Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
Harv Eker
The only way to change your outer world is to change your inner world first.
There are four important elements for change, each of which is necessary in order to reprogram your financial plan. These are simple factors, but they are very serious.
The first factor: Perception..... You cannot change something that you do not realize
The second factor: Understanding...... You understand the source of your thoughts, and therefore you know whether they come from within you or from outside you
The third factor: Separation...... from ways of thinking that do not belong to you
The fourth factor: reorientation..... to build your independent perspectives and ideas.
About the book:
Cover: plain cardboard
The size is 13.5*19.5cm
Weight: 260 gr
Dar Jarir for publication and distribution
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The mind - the rich - Jarir - human development resources