Letters to Milena
Letters to Milena
France Kafka
The book "Letters to Milena" comes at the forefront of letters literature books in the world. In Kafka's Letters to Milena, Kafka is very preoccupied with conveying his deepest feelings to another human being, and Milena, who translated some of his stories from German into Czech, was a distinguished woman of many merits. But the question is: Was it among her characteristics that she was the woman Kafka loved, or not?
The milieu in which Melina moved as a journalist, freeing the doors of fashion alongside her creative writings and translations, was the literary milieu in Vienna in the years immediately following 1918.
Franz Kafka (July 3, 18883 - June 3, 1924) the great Czech writer, one of the great signs of literature, not only in German literature, but also in world literature. Born in the Czech capital, Prague, when it was within the Austro-Hungarian Empire, he was described as a pioneer of nightmarish philosophical writing, and the language of his literary writing, German, was known as brilliant, accurate, and beautiful. Lung tuberculosis decimated his body, but his politeness guaranteed him immortality.