on the sidewalk of life
on the sidewalk of life
Writer Hassan Sami Youssef
Do we deserve our misery? Poverty is not a shame. Words we have heard thousands of times as wisdom that cannot be challenged, or even not subject to discussion. But is this really true? And if poverty is not a defect as we claim, then why was Ali, may God honor his face, want to kill him if he was a man? And I believe Ali Al-Hakim, and because I believe him, I believe that poverty is the greatest fault on earth. It is enough to make us feel humiliated morning and evening. And though this feeling which possesses us is so abominable, yet we live with it in a secret bond of concord, and consequently we deserve our misery and are reconciled with shame. And if you do not like the plural form in which I write, I do not mind at all writing in the form of the first person singular, and I say: I have reconciled with shame. I will tell you a little later how it happened.
Information about the book:
Cover: plain cardboard
Number of pages: 407 pages
Size: 14 * 21 cm
Weight: 474 g
Department: Arabic literature
Book Cover: Plain Cardboard
Publishing House: Dar Ward for Publishing and Distribution
Keywords for research: Sami Raseef