Why are we here
Why are we here
Dr. Ismail Odeh
Questions about existence, evil, science and evolution
Man is the only creature that asks the question "Why?" This question remains the determinant of human existence, without “why” because a person is not a person
This book is an existential journey that dives into the depths of the great questions of existence: Where did we come from? And where are we going? What is fate? How do we understand it? Are there scientific theories that support our belief in God? What is wrong with the theory of evolution? Why do we suffer in this world so much suffering?
These questions we all review in this book, mixing religious answers with scientific discoveries, supporting faith with philosophical arguments, and exploring our journey in this existence, searching for answers so that the heart is reassured and the soul calms down.
About the book:
Cover: plain cardboard
Size: 14*21 cm
number of pages :
Book juice house for publication and distribution
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